Businesses are carefully attentive to customer financial profiles. We score credit risk/quality - before acquisition - by assessing the customer's financial standing through the use of several proprietary models, processes, and sources. For financial services companies, in particular, proprietary risk scoring is common practice. Information is supplied by the consumer which is utilized to access further information pertaining to the consumer's financial situation/standing.
Our proprietary risk scoring system works in real time, with a model based upon a variety of click-through factors - without need for the consumer to provide traditional identification information.
As our product is a passive, "first-pass" assessment metric (and not a risk pricing algorithm), its application is primarily in taking the information available during a click-through event and using this information to poll a variety of data sources, in real time, which is then applied to derive a customizable score which can be used to determine further handling or routing of a particular consumer through any particular acquisition or marketing funnel (for example, to customize any particular product offerings or messaging on the fly and in real time, per specified scoring cohort).